Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Where it would have gone

The first time I went to visit Bryan in New York I had to pay to cross the bridge twice. I drove through the tunnel, the big one that’s maybe underwater. This was the first time I went to visit Bryan in New York. I saw some girls on Fifth Ave. who had heels that were so high they made their knees lock and their butts stick out. I had to pay twice to cross the bridge. I did not get lost, it’s just that the exit on the bridge is the first exit. I needed to go 20 ft., but made a mistake, so I had to go back and forth, and pay to cross the bridge twice. I left in the evening, so it was late when I got there. I did not make the mistake on the bridge the second time I went to New York to visit Bryan, I did not have to go back and forth, and pay to cross it twice. I smiled at the man in the tollbooth. He knew that I would only be paying to cross the bridge once this time. He was happy for me because this time, unlike the first, I would not be paying him twice. The second time I crossed the bridge on my way to visit Bryan in New York I only paid the toll once and smiled at the man in the toll booth and wanted to tell him that I was glad to not be going back and forth, and paying the toll twice. He already knew so I just said, “thanks.” No reply. It was New York and people were busy not paying to cross the bridge twice.

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